Manngo Net

HTML, CSS, JavaScript, PHP & SQL

HTML, XHTML & HTML5 Training

TitleHTML101: Introduction to HTML
Duration1 Day

HTML is language behind every Web Page. Every Web Site is a collection of Web Pages, all of which use the HTML language for their content and markup. Even pages generated using other scripting languages such as PHP are produced using HTML.

The Introduction to HTML Course introduces developers to all the HTML required to create basic web pages, and provides and understanding of the HTML needed when developing with CSS, JavaScript and PHP.

If you want to learn more about advanced HTML, particulary the new features of HTML5, hte Progressing to HTML Course will extend your knowledge of modern HTML.

Training covers the basic techniques of using HTML language to develop web pages, and using CSS to define its styling and appearance. CSS is the standard language to define the appearance of content on the Web Page.

The HTML techniques covered include:

  • Basic Text Content
  • Images
  • Links
  • Lists & Tables
  • Forms
  • Using CSS

At all times, the student is encouraged to follow good design and writing principles, and the examples and exercises are clear and written in a way to facilitate further development.

Training includes comprehensive training material containing summary sections which explain key HTML concepts, and can be used later as a reference.
